Effective, evidence-driven, targeted affordability management is the key challenge faced by all budget holders in the US, Japan, Europe and Canada. The importance to our clients of understanding affordability management became paramount over the last two years and continues to be a key focus.
At the end true access is at the budget holder level, because affordability management is not only about restriction of price, but includes restriction in access, too.
It is crucial to understand in detail how each budget holder in each region in a country will aim to manage a specific budget. From our experience, this can vary greatly across regions.
Hence our local payer networks composed of budget holders relevant for hospital and ambulatory include representation from each state/region/province in Germany, Italy and Spain.
The value of the detailed and distinct coverage of decision makers comes to full life in our pricing studies, access and price forecasts and value message testing projects by aligning affordability to actionable health service impact and substantiated clinical value.